What is Genius Leadership?

Genius leadership is energy that comes from inside you. It's when you're in your own integrity, speaking your own truth from a place of quiet dignity, and standing in your own power. Genius leadership is a recognition of the best essence of yourself. From that recognition, your confidence rises because you're able to stand in a place of personal power and deep integrity. The genius leader inside each of us is the point of power and it is where the extraordinary results arise from. Having sourced your genius leadership it will become a point of leverage that you, and others in your organization, can use to leap forward. Being in touch with your own genius leader means you can use leadership positions to call forth that essence in others - that genius spark deep inside, that they may not yet recognize. Leadership is the spark of genius within each of us.
Genius Leadership recognizes the potential for genius that resides in each person, and has the ability to light that spark in others. Once lit, the collective power of networked brilliance is unleashed. In the case of Transformational or Servant Leaders, there remains a reliance on the big "L" leader. Genius Leadership relies on the collective leadership - that is why the results are quantum.
Genius leadership then becomes a clarion call for a team, for an organization, for a community, and for a country.
Genius Leadership recognizes the potential for genius that resides in each person, and has the ability to light that spark in others. Once lit, the collective power of networked brilliance is unleashed. In the case of Transformational or Servant Leaders, there remains a reliance on the big "L" leader. Genius Leadership relies on the collective leadership - that is why the results are quantum.
Genius leadership then becomes a clarion call for a team, for an organization, for a community, and for a country.
What do we offer?LeaderLink is a landing place for all things genius leadership....
* Executive coaching with a focus on genius leadership and helping them ignite that in others * Genius team building sessions to unleash extraordinary teams * 'The Future's Calling You' experiential off-site * Strategic / development sessions with boards, executive teams, leadership teams and individuals * Outreach with social and legal justice organizations to assist fragile communities to grow |
LeaderLink Inc.
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